主页 > 游戏资讯 > 幼儿英语课堂小游戏


2024-10-23 06:51    来自:未知    过莫游戏网


1、吹气球: blow the balloons


2、大小声:opposite tune


3、放风筝:fly a kite



嗯 还有就是 我现在学的ABC天卞英语的助教和我提到,事实上想学会英语很简单的..必然要有一个好的学习环境与熟练口语对象 重点就是老师教学经验 纯正欧美口音才可以,保持每天口语练习 一对一家教式教学才可以有很.好.的进步幅度..上完课同样要重复复习课堂音频 来进一步深化知识!不过实在无对象可练习的环境,只能去 VOA或BBC取得课后材料阅读 多说多练迅速的语感就提升起来,学习效益是必定最佳的。If we do not have classes tomorrow, I will go see my grandparents. I haven't seen my grandparents for also two moths and I miss them a lot. It takes two hours by bus to go to my grandparents house. Although I don't have to go to school on weekends, but I have to stay home study and join some private English classes. So I really don't have the time to visit them. If tomorrow I am free, I can take the early bus and have lunch with them.My mother told me my grandma is ill. So I need to visit her as soon as possible.